Social Media & Society 2017

July 2017 marks our first foray into public dissemination of findings from Year 1! Our paper, titled Context Collapse and Student Social Media Networks: Where Life and High School Collide is being presented at the Social Media & Society 2017 conference in Toronto.

The abstract of our paper is:

This study examines the intersection of high school students’ in-school and out-of-school communities in a social media context. Students in two classes (10th and 12th grade) participated in a 3-day unit about social media networks and context collapse. During this unit, they diagrammed their communities and social media tool networks and discussed related issues governing how they use social media in and out of school. Findings show that high school students experience context collapse, but do not view it as a negative occurrence so much as an expected one in networked digital environments. They are adept at managing context collapse, and use a variety of means to communicate online with different groups of people. Specifically, they maintain technological lines of separation between their family and other groups, and they relegate digital interactions with their closest friends to more private spaces than the ones that social networking tools afford.

The paper is located here:

Slides are located here: